Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The cows (a job) is coming home

Well, after making some calls and dropping by a couple of places, it looks like I have a job! I am going to be working on one of the local dairy farms here in the Fraser Valley. I have not had much experience with the dairy industry, but accounting is accounting, and these operations are BIG business. Anyway, I was on the edge of the field at milking time and got this shot of the cows coming in for the evening milking. All the nature and fresh air makes me think that I will like this job.


Day 2 - Rainy day

I woke up this morning to rain and cloud. Nothing like yesterday. But it can't always be sunshine and walks on mountain hillsides in the meadows. As you can see I didn't even raise the camera above the driveway this morning. Mind you, that is where there was the most to see.

Now it is time to go out and get a job. An outdoor job was looking good yesterday, but today - not so much.

I am still very happy about the move back.


Monday, May 25, 2009

1st day in the 'wack

My first day back in the 'wack. And what a day it is. Sun. Fresh air. The mountains. Just getting out and about made me wonder why I had ever gone to Boston all those years ago. Well - my ex-wife was a reason to go. And now that she is an ex, I am back and happy for it. And now that I am back I can't see myself leaving again.
